We unlock 15 digit SL3 locked phones

You read from the phone and save the file (.bcl, .sha, .log, etc.) using you box of choice and upload it to our site or via Max Sl3 uploader. When unlocking is done, we will send you the unlock codes. You enter the code and unlock your phone.


We have fully automated system. You pay using PayPal and automatically receive the money in your account.


Our system is available 24/7 and we can do up to 150 unlocks per day and if you choose to, we will send you an email when it's done.


We have very simple interface. There is no need for you to learn anything to use it.

Download Max-Sl3 Uploader

For bulk uploads it will be easier to use our Max-Sl3 uploader.

Upload Your files

Upload your file (.bcl, .sha, .log, etc.) and monitor the unlocking progress.

Get your unlock codes

When we are done you will recieve your codes via email and you are ready to unlock.

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